Thursday, February 24, 2011

MDS Thursday: Fake it Til You Make It > Hill

Welcome to another week of MDS Thursday.

With all the snow we have had this year I have taken thousands of pictures of my children sledding.  So here is yet another snow insprired page, lol.

Since I wanted to focus on sledding, I wanted to have a hill.  BUT how to make a hill in MDS.  Time to fake it.
Here is how I did it.

First, start by choosing the heart punch.

Enlarge the punch as big as you can get it on the page.

Using the rotation option(s)  rotate the heart.
 You can rotate an object two ways.  Move the pointer to the edge of the punch until it turns into a little arrow swirl, hold down and drag (rotate) the object.  See red circle ( unfortunately I couldn't capture the swirl but I promise it's there.)

Or you can use the rotate bar in the design center. See red circle.

Move the punch to create your "hill"

Color fill.
And Ta Da!!!!  A Hill!!!!!

I think this well be a good fake for a roller coaster in the summer too, lol.

Give it a try.  Thanks for looking.


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